笑话1:.两个男人去山上玩,一个人不小心失足掉下了山崖,同伴着急的喊:“兄弟,你怎么样,有没有事啊?”,只听到掉下去那个 人回答:“我不知道,我还在往下掉呢~~~~~”笑话2:present for girlfriendat a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. "shall i engrave h
笑话1:一女练科三。教练说:这学员一看家里就很有钱。女说:你怎么知道?教练说:马路是你家的,想往哪开往哪开!笑破肚子笑话故事精选(二)笑话2:best rewarda naval officer fell overboard. he was rescued by a deck hand. the officer asked how he could reward him."the best way, sir," said the deck hand, "is to